"Economic growth" is the depletion of growth (trend graph) - YouTube

"Economic growth" is the depletion of growth (trend graph) - YouTube

Infinite growth of the population and economy in contradiction with the physical boundaries of this planet is limited. No amount of gross domestic product (GDP) accounting for the material resources to create out of nothing, and money has no value in itself. The market is only avant-garde, if people are pricing.

I knew that real progress is achieved when politicians and business leaders talk about the economy fixed, rather than continued growth. Most signs point to this convergence does not reach the limits of the resources that have been made, cheap oil is the most important.

If the mathematics of consumption and depletion does not register with you, and watch a video entitled "Failure to distinguish between large and infinite ..." We can not keep relying on illusions such as "replace the infinite" and "no limits to human creativity."

"Economic growth" is the depletion of growth (trend graph) - YouTube

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