Ð'.Путин.На РАН.29.05.08 Общем собрании

Ð'.Путин.На РАН.29.05.08 Общем собрании

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin meet at a general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences
May 29, 2008

Ð'ыступление Ð'. Ð'. Путина на Общем собрании Российской академии наук

Good evening, Mr. Osipov, friends,

First, I want to thank you for this invitation and this opportunity to address the public in August and the actor. Today I want to talk about issues which, in my opinion, to determine the prospects for Russian science, and its role in modernizing the economy, and ensure the country's position in the global technological competition and intellectual property.

We all remember the Mahnp science we had only a short time before. Many were from research and promising programs to reduce or put "on hold". We were faced with the influx of huge numbers of research staff and the loss of communication between generations and reliable scientific schools.

It is too early to say that the situation may change qualitatively. I am fully aware of that. But the situation is changing for the better, but if gradually. Part of the credit to the principled position of the university community and academic leaders. Has taken some important decisions by the Council for Science, Technology and Education. Today, they put in place.

It is within the Council to provide support for initiatives to develop basic research programs and infrastructure development and innovative renewal of human resources in the Russian science.

Federal spending has grown on civics from year to year. This year will reach about 125 billion rubles, and the total amount - including the extra-budgetary sources - would be about 200 billion rubles.

Let me add that we recently discussed the tax policy at a meeting of the presidium of the government. It was decided to use additional measures to support research and development in priority areas, starting in 2009. May be deducted the amount should be increased costs in the conduct of such work by 1.5 times. To a large extent, even if the result of this research is negative. We hope this will provide a supplementary supply of money in our own science.

We have allocated large sums of money already for the development of high-tech fields such as space, nano-biotechnology, nuclear energy, etc. In the period 2008-2010 within the framework of federal programs targeted only and will be financing these activities 600000000000 rubles.

Has increased public funding of the Academy of Sciences to a large extent. And budget in 2007 37000000000 rubles this year should be about $ 45 billion.

In 2010, and the allocation of Top 60 billion rubles. Let me remind you that in 2000 we were talking about the amount of slightly less than $ 6 billion rubles. Make a note to him: ten-fold growth in a relatively short period.

Of course, even this is probably not enough. I am well aware of. But we have to match our expenditures with the potential of our economy.

Starting next year, will most of the funds allocated to the Academy to be in the framework of the program of basic research. Real will get more than 200 billion rubles over five years under this program.

Updated legal basis for the scientific activities, including the law of science and scientific and technical policy. Adopted a new charter for the SAR. The main purpose of these amendments is to strengthen the independence of the university community and the development of the principles of self-government. Of course, this involves a greater degree of responsibility for the results of scientific activities.

Obviously we can not do without the introduction of modern methods of organization of scientific research, or without the promotion of competition in the scientific community. That this is the way in which if we translate investments in increasing the efficiency of science we have, in the creation of intellectual products, which demand both within the country, in the market, and the world.

Of course, the university sector must become more active in innovative activities and to address the tasks that really the face of society and the economy and business. Should cooperate closely with other research centers, particularly in the field of science at the university.


Ð'.Путин.На РАН.29.05.08 Общем собрании

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