- Like fingerprints, no two social security numbers that look alike.People sometimes use the term social security number and identification (ID) interchangeably, when in reality they are very different. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary that identification is all that provides a "proof of identity," while a social security number is a nine-digit number assigned by the U.S. Social Security Administration (SSA) as a national identification number.
- Since identification is simply proof of identity, there are several ways to prove you are who you say you are. For example, the Department of Motor Vehicles may issue identification cards for individuals and driver's license. Many schools give their identity cards and student identification badges for their staff and / or cards. Workplaces may issue identification cards for employees who also have bands on the back of their open doors. Birth certificates, passports and insurance cards all serve as forms of identification, according to the SSA.
When it comes to Social Security numbers, there is only one kind. However, there are three types of social security cards that the SSA issues depending on your status as a citizen of the United States. These cards are distributed to American citizens and naturalized citizens, individuals who are not U.S. citizens, are immigrants who are legally in the U.S. but are allowed to work in the country with the permission of the Department of Human Services ( DHS), and those immigrants who are legally in the U.S. but have no work permit DHS. - Social Security numbers are only given to naturalized citizens and U.S. residents. An individual is granted citizenship of the United States if born on U.S. soil if at least one parent is a citizen of the United States legal at the time of his birth, irrespective of place of birth, or if it applies and is granted citizenship.
On the other hand, an alien may be in the U.S. and have yet to be identified. For example, an adult traveler from Asia visiting the U.S. may have a driver's license or school ID card from their country of origin, where it could present for identification. - Identification can connect to a specific group. For example, journalists at an event can have a "press card" that identifies them as generic members of the media. Conversely, social security numbers are unique to each person who has a law. There is no two people, dead or alive, or issuing the same social security number.
Forms of ID
Who can have a
Unique ID
General HR
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